Brendan Armm, DAOM, LAc

2222 Santa Monica Blvd #105, Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA

About Brendan Armm, DAOM, LAc

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    Dennis Horlick
    July 31, 2022

    I have been suffering what many doctors have recommended for lower back pain. Its actually been 10 years and over that time the pain became worse and worse. After actually seeing over 11 doctors in the past two years, I did what one of the doctors who had been giving me epidurals and facet blocks which barely worked, told me what she thought. "You dont have a back problem, she said, the pain is coming from the soft tissue around the spine. She said try acupuncture. I had resisted for so many years because I thought it was nonsense and witchcraft. Then I met Dr Armm. All I can say is that while it may have been the perfect storm, I saw him for 1.5 hours. He is not a typical acupuncturist . He is from Connecticut and has been doing this for 17 years. When I woke up the next morning, I was astonished at how the pain level was reduced! Maybe 40%!! I didn't dare tell my wife because over the years we've seen this before. Pain lessens and later that night its back stronger than ever. To make this tale just a little longer, it has now been 6 weeks! And over that time it just keeps getting better. Who knows if this can work for everyone. Maybe the circumstances are different, but I can tell you, ITS WORTH TRYING. I told him in the beginning that if he could make the pain go away, I would put a bronze statue of him on my front lawn. Anyone know where I can get a bronze statue? Thanks Doc. Dennis

    orchid lady
    April 02, 2020

    Dr. Armm, In these challenging times we live in, I want to thank you for your continued help. For some unkown reason to me, my cheeks got flush every afternoon. Except for my difficulty falling asleep, I had no other symptoms. Your ability to help me on line has helped me enormously. You explained the causes and knew how to treat it. I have been taking your recommended tea three times a day; I do put a little honey in it. Also, your herbs have been contributing to my well-being. As for the sleep issue, the tincture you recommended has also been helped me. All in all, I feel remarkably better!!! You are a very compassionate doctor and listen very carefully. Your knowledge is extraordinary. Thank you for your continued help and service during these difficult times. It is comforting to know that you can be reach by the internet. Sincerely, A very happy customer

    Devorah Cohen
    July 30, 2018

    Brendan Armm, DAOM, LAc

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    2222 Santa Monica Blvd #105, Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA

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